Transformation is a Lifestyle
My personal heroes are those who are committed to their transformation and are ready to make the shift
necessary to create a positive uplifting change for themselves and others. They understand that transformation doesn’t happen once--it’s an ongoing commitment and a way of being.
“Leslie’s highly attuned and intuitive gifts of listening and reflection opened me to possibilities I couldn’t otherwise have known. Her expertise in planning and execution assisted in creating next steps which she then supported me in actualizing. It feels great to know
I can connect with Leslie at any point for further assistance and guidance along the way.”
Is the SHIFT Coaching Experience for you?
Your life is good, but you would like to kick it up a notch.
You know there’s a next step you could take to enhance your life and would like to clarify what that might be and get support in making it a reality.
You have a sense something is missing. You’ve achieved the things you’ve wanted, but have a “niggle” that there’s more available to you than what you’ve accomplished.
You want to connect more deeply with what is meaningful to you. You have experienced your authentic self and want to bring it into your life more fully.
You would like a safe place to have confidential conversations. Having a neutral person to listen and reflect different perspectives would be useful to you as you navigate a change in your life.
Here are the steps you will take when you work with me:
- Sharing Your Story: During the first session you will share about the path that led you here and what has your attention
- Crafting Your Vision: What is your definition of success? How would your life be different if you got what you wanted from your coaching experience?
- Create a Process: If outer reality is the result of our inner mindset then focusing on both behavior and beliefs can have a double impact on achieving what you want
- Celebrate Wins: Self acknowledgement is an important key to motivate you into action and completion--why not be a hero in your own story?
Who I coach:
Individuals going through change personally or professionally
Individuals who know the power and value of self-reflection and are ready to make a commitment to work consistently and be held accountable for what they truly want